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2023-05-28 09:00:20 来源:新东方在线雅思




Describe an interesting old person you met.


Part 3

1 Is it easy for old people and young people to make friends with each other?

I believe so yes. It all depends on personality. Some older people and younger people are not so compatible, mainly due to their personalities, not necessarily their ages. Some people of age are set in their ways, and some young people are overly dismissive of older people. So, it’s really a question of how tolerant, patient and curious a person is. I believe people can communicate and learn from people of all ages, and it makes life more colourful and inspiring, but not everyone thinks like this. Some old people are simply stuck in their ways, and younger people simply uninterested in reaching out to communicate with them, too.

2 Do you think old people and young people can have common interests?

I certainly think they can. Again, it totally depends on the personality and the background of the individuals in question, not necessarily their age. I know plenty of people who connect and share common interests with older people – but, at the same time, I also know quite a few young people who feel they cannot communicate with older people. I think teenagers, especially, can be quite dismissive or uninterested in communicating with older people. I think this is because teenager years tend to be very selfish and self-absorbed times for young people, where they are more concerned with modern trends and peers than connecting with their family or older people in the community.

3 What can old people teach young people?

Older people can teach younger people all sorts of things – from practical little things related to doing stuff around the house, or homework, to more emotional things – you know, like insights and advice about human nature, how to deal with conflict, how to deal with one’s own emotions and stuff like this. I know quite a few friends of mine who seek advice from their grandparents about conflicts in school or at work – as times change, and technology and trends change, people’s fundamental sensitivities and personalities do not change so much throughout history – so the wisdom of older people is valuable.





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